Making Money Online Is Very Hard
To succeed in making money on the internet you need to be willing to spend hours each day on the computer. I have purchased well over a dozen of money making e-books and programs online that all claimed to make me rich in only a small amount of time(usually 30 min to 1 hour). I know you might be thinking this guy bought over a dozen of these things and didn't learn his lesson after the first one or two. He must be the dumbest man alive. You know what I am, when I started out trying to make money online I believed pretty much everything I read.
It wasn't until my bank account went into the red that I decided I needed a new approach. I started posting on forums and talking to people in chat rooms about all the scams, and more importantlly real ways to make money. I still may not be the brightest bulb in the drawer, but I make a pretty good living now working online, and want to help you learn from my mistakes.
1. Before I get into what worked for me I think you should know what you need to stay away from. Make sure you keep away from anything offering you millions for a half an hour of work a day. This is more than likely common sense to most of you, but when I started out products like that suckered me right in and I was happy to pay $97 to get a million back. They just aren't real. These companies pay writers a lot of money to write the pages to make you feel insecure, and add timers and deadlines to make you feel that if you don't buy then and there that you will pay hundred's more later. But what really happens is they just make a new deadline when the old one expires. So please be very carefull and if you see something your not sure about sleep on it for a night. I almost guarantee it will be the same price as the the before, even if the deadline says otherwise.
2. Now that that's out of the way let's get down to what I use to generate money online. What I started off with was paid surveys. If you go to any money making forums you can find real paid survey programs. The problem is that for me personally I really couldn't make enough money with these. Sure you might make $30 a month with one of these but you might work 20 hours doing so. If I worked at burger king making $8 an hour(which I did for a while) I would have made $160 for the same amount of time. So it just didn't really make much sense to me. Don't get me wrong you can make money doing it. It just wasn't for me.
3.Incentivized Freebie Websites or IFW's are ads you have seen a million times i'm sure. The ones that say click here to claim your free X-Box or plasma tv. But you probably thought it was just a big scam. Actually you can make some pretty decent money doing the offers of these companies. How it work's is someone signs up to complete an offer and then they have to get a certain number of referals(signups) to sponsored sites to get there free gift.
A forum at has people trying to complete these offers and paying people $25 to $75 to signup. All you have to do is register for the forum and answer a post asking "pay for greens". A green is someone who hasn't already signed up for an IFW's offer. So if you never signed up for any of the IFW offers then your probably green on all the 100's and 100's of IFW sites. You will need a free paypal account set up to recieve your payments. Also once you get used to doing offers for other people you can try to complete your own IFW offer. Just think about it this way, if you need to get 12 referals for a plasma TV worth $1200 and you pay the people $50 each thats $600. Now sell the brand new TV on ebay for $1200 and you pocket $600. It takes some work and time to find the right offers, but I think it's worth it.
4.Google Adsense sites are another good way to make money. Google will put ads on you site and everytime someone clicks an ad you make money. What you do is apply for an adsense account and in a few days you will receive your publisher id to place in your site. The basic adsense site has anywhere from 30 to 300 pages each normally with an article on a certain niche topic. An example niche could be PS3 video games. You could go to a place that offers free articles and get the video game articles for free, then use software to convert the article to a webpage insert your google publisher id and there you go you have a ready to make money webpage.
To place the webpages on the web you need a domain name and hosting account. They can be pretty cheap and are not that hard to get started if you have a FTP. A FTP client is software that will add your webpages to your website. There are free FTP's out there so don't worry about the price. Before you have your website up and running remember to read googles strict guidelines or they may cancel your account without warning. A good way to advertise your adsense site is with article marketing(covered below).
5. The last thing I like to do is of course affiliate marketing. For those who don't know affiliate marketing is where the affiliate, you. Advertises for a company, and get paid for generating leads or sales for the company. I suggest you go to and signup for free, there are 1000's of companies listed all of them guaranteed to give you a link to promote. The best and most popular way to advertise is pay per click or PPC. The two most popular ppc sites are google and yahoo. But I don't use them a lot. It can cost you a lot of money if your new or don't know what your doing. Ever since I got suckered so many times with all the scams, its hard for me to open up my wallet for anything that isn't a software program, or a really good online course with everything you need to make money online. No more $100 E-Books with the same old info for me.
How I like to advertise my affiliate link is anything thats free, mainly article marketing. That's where you write an article related to what your promoting and ad a link to your affiliate site at the end. Don't worry if you article isn't that good you can do what I do and use different pen names for articles. Also the more you write the better you will get at it. Try to pick a title that yeilds very few results on google. Start the title with "how to..." or "7 tips to..." people love these articles, and if there good other people will add them to there blog or website with your affiliate link intact. Places to add your articles to are,,, and my personal favorite But there are hundreds more.
So thats it. I wish everyone who tries any of these the best of luck. Also if I was just starting out again I would start with the IFW sites. Just to start making some money to fund my other projects.
Also if your looking for a step by step course on affiliate marketing, google adsense and adwords(ppc) with free websites and training courses and much more than I recommend The Profit Lance Course found here It also has the products you should stay away from.
It wasn't until my bank account went into the red that I decided I needed a new approach. I started posting on forums and talking to people in chat rooms about all the scams, and more importantlly real ways to make money. I still may not be the brightest bulb in the drawer, but I make a pretty good living now working online, and want to help you learn from my mistakes.
1. Before I get into what worked for me I think you should know what you need to stay away from. Make sure you keep away from anything offering you millions for a half an hour of work a day. This is more than likely common sense to most of you, but when I started out products like that suckered me right in and I was happy to pay $97 to get a million back. They just aren't real. These companies pay writers a lot of money to write the pages to make you feel insecure, and add timers and deadlines to make you feel that if you don't buy then and there that you will pay hundred's more later. But what really happens is they just make a new deadline when the old one expires. So please be very carefull and if you see something your not sure about sleep on it for a night. I almost guarantee it will be the same price as the the before, even if the deadline says otherwise.
2. Now that that's out of the way let's get down to what I use to generate money online. What I started off with was paid surveys. If you go to any money making forums you can find real paid survey programs. The problem is that for me personally I really couldn't make enough money with these. Sure you might make $30 a month with one of these but you might work 20 hours doing so. If I worked at burger king making $8 an hour(which I did for a while) I would have made $160 for the same amount of time. So it just didn't really make much sense to me. Don't get me wrong you can make money doing it. It just wasn't for me.
3.Incentivized Freebie Websites or IFW's are ads you have seen a million times i'm sure. The ones that say click here to claim your free X-Box or plasma tv. But you probably thought it was just a big scam. Actually you can make some pretty decent money doing the offers of these companies. How it work's is someone signs up to complete an offer and then they have to get a certain number of referals(signups) to sponsored sites to get there free gift.
A forum at has people trying to complete these offers and paying people $25 to $75 to signup. All you have to do is register for the forum and answer a post asking "pay for greens". A green is someone who hasn't already signed up for an IFW's offer. So if you never signed up for any of the IFW offers then your probably green on all the 100's and 100's of IFW sites. You will need a free paypal account set up to recieve your payments. Also once you get used to doing offers for other people you can try to complete your own IFW offer. Just think about it this way, if you need to get 12 referals for a plasma TV worth $1200 and you pay the people $50 each thats $600. Now sell the brand new TV on ebay for $1200 and you pocket $600. It takes some work and time to find the right offers, but I think it's worth it.
4.Google Adsense sites are another good way to make money. Google will put ads on you site and everytime someone clicks an ad you make money. What you do is apply for an adsense account and in a few days you will receive your publisher id to place in your site. The basic adsense site has anywhere from 30 to 300 pages each normally with an article on a certain niche topic. An example niche could be PS3 video games. You could go to a place that offers free articles and get the video game articles for free, then use software to convert the article to a webpage insert your google publisher id and there you go you have a ready to make money webpage.
To place the webpages on the web you need a domain name and hosting account. They can be pretty cheap and are not that hard to get started if you have a FTP. A FTP client is software that will add your webpages to your website. There are free FTP's out there so don't worry about the price. Before you have your website up and running remember to read googles strict guidelines or they may cancel your account without warning. A good way to advertise your adsense site is with article marketing(covered below).
5. The last thing I like to do is of course affiliate marketing. For those who don't know affiliate marketing is where the affiliate, you. Advertises for a company, and get paid for generating leads or sales for the company. I suggest you go to and signup for free, there are 1000's of companies listed all of them guaranteed to give you a link to promote. The best and most popular way to advertise is pay per click or PPC. The two most popular ppc sites are google and yahoo. But I don't use them a lot. It can cost you a lot of money if your new or don't know what your doing. Ever since I got suckered so many times with all the scams, its hard for me to open up my wallet for anything that isn't a software program, or a really good online course with everything you need to make money online. No more $100 E-Books with the same old info for me.
How I like to advertise my affiliate link is anything thats free, mainly article marketing. That's where you write an article related to what your promoting and ad a link to your affiliate site at the end. Don't worry if you article isn't that good you can do what I do and use different pen names for articles. Also the more you write the better you will get at it. Try to pick a title that yeilds very few results on google. Start the title with "how to..." or "7 tips to..." people love these articles, and if there good other people will add them to there blog or website with your affiliate link intact. Places to add your articles to are,,, and my personal favorite But there are hundreds more.
So thats it. I wish everyone who tries any of these the best of luck. Also if I was just starting out again I would start with the IFW sites. Just to start making some money to fund my other projects.
Also if your looking for a step by step course on affiliate marketing, google adsense and adwords(ppc) with free websites and training courses and much more than I recommend The Profit Lance Course found here It also has the products you should stay away from.
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